netcdf flux { dimensions: Time = UNLIMITED ; // (512 currently) variables: int Time(Time) ; Time:units = "seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC" ; Time:long_name = "time of measurement" ; Time:standard_name = "time" ; float LAT_DEC ; LAT_DEC:units = "degree_N" ; LAT_DEC:long_name = "Latitude" ; LAT_DEC:Category = "Position" ; LAT_DEC:standard_name = "latitude" ; LAT_DEC:valid_range = -90., 90. ; float LON_DEC ; LON_DEC:units = "degree_E" ; LON_DEC:long_name = "Longitude" ; LON_DEC:Category = "Position" ; LON_DEC:standard_name = "longitude" ; LON_DEC:valid_range = -180., 180. ; float ALT ; ALT:units = "m" ; ALT:long_name = "Altitude (AMSL)" ; ALT:Category = "Position" ; ALT:standard_name = "altitude" ; float P(Time) ; P:units = "kPa" ; P:long_name = "Pressure (30-min avg. from 10Hz data)" ; P:Category = "Atmos. State" ; P:standard_name = "air_pressure" ; float T(Time) ; T:units = "deg_C" ; T:long_name = "Temperature (30-min avg. from 10Hz data)" ; T:Category = "Atmos. State" ; T:standard_name = "air_temperature" ; float RHO_A(Time) ; RHO_A:units = "kg m-3" ; RHO_A:long_name = "Air Density (30-min avg. from 10Hz data)" ; RHO_A:Category = "Atmos. State" ; RHO_A:standard_name = "air_density" ; float Ux_avg(Time) ; Ux_avg:units = "m s-1" ; Ux_avg:long_name = "horizontal wind (x-axis component, CSAT3, 30-min avg. from 10Hz data)" ; Ux_avg:Category = "Wind" ; Ux_avg:standard_name = "x_wind" ; float Uy_avg(Time) ; Uy_avg:units = "m s-1" ; Uy_avg:long_name = "horizontal wind (y-axis component, CSAT3, 30-min avg. from 10Hz data)" ; Uy_avg:Category = "Wind" ; Uy_avg:standard_name = "y_wind" ; float Uz_avg(Time) ; Uz_avg:units = "m s-1" ; Uz_avg:long_name = "Vertical wind (z-axis component, CSAT3, 30-min avg. from 10Hz data)" ; Uz_avg:Category = "Wind" ; Uz_avg:standard_name = "upward_air_velocity" ; float stdev_Ux(Time) ; stdev_Ux:units = "m s-1" ; stdev_Ux:long_name = "Standard deviation of horizontal wind (x-axis component, CSAT3, 30-min avg. from 10Hz data)" ; stdev_Ux:Category = "Wind" ; float stdev_Uy(Time) ; stdev_Uy:units = "m s-1" ; stdev_Uy:long_name = "Standard deviation of horizontal wind (y-axis component, CSAT3, 30-min avg. from 10Hz data)" ; stdev_Uy:Category = "Wind" ; float stdev_Uz(Time) ; stdev_Uz:units = "m s-1" ; stdev_Uz:long_name = "Standard deviation of vertical wind (z-axis component, CSAT3, 30-min avg. from 10Hz data)" ; stdev_Uz:Category = "Wind" ; float cov_Ux_Uy(Time) ; cov_Ux_Uy:units = "m2 s-2" ; cov_Ux_Uy:long_name = "Covariance of horizontal winds (x-axis and y-axis, CSAT3, 30-min avg. from 10Hz data)" ; cov_Ux_Uy:Category = "Wind" ; float cov_Ux_Uz(Time) ; cov_Ux_Uz:units = "m2 s-2" ; cov_Ux_Uz:long_name = "Covariance of vertical wind and horizontal wind (x-axis, CSAT3, 30-min avg. from 10Hz data)" ; cov_Ux_Uz:Category = "Wind" ; float cov_Uy_Uz(Time) ; cov_Uy_Uz:units = "m2 s-2" ; cov_Uy_Uz:long_name = "Covariance of vertical wind and horizontal wind (y-axis, CSAT3, 30-min avg. from 10Hz data)" ; cov_Uy_Uz:Category = "Wind" ; float wnd_spd_csat3_avg(Time) ; wnd_spd_csat3_avg:units = "m s-1" ; wnd_spd_csat3_avg:long_name = "Horizontal wind speed (CSAT3, 30-min avg from 10Hz data.)" ; wnd_spd_csat3_avg:Category = "Wind" ; wnd_spd_csat3_avg:standard_name = "wind_speed" ; float wnd_spd_rslt_avg(Time) ; wnd_spd_rslt_avg:units = "m s-1" ; wnd_spd_rslt_avg:long_name = "Resultant horizontal wind speed (CSAT3, 30-min avg. from 10Hz data)" ; wnd_spd_rslt_avg:Category = "Wind" ; wnd_spd_rslt_avg:standard_name = "wind_speed" ; float h2o_hmp_avg(Time) ; h2o_hmp_avg:units = "g m-3" ; h2o_hmp_avg:long_name = "Water vapor density (HMP45C, 30-min avg. from 10Hz data)" ; h2o_hmp_avg:Category = "Chemistry" ; float h2o_lic_avg(Time) ; h2o_lic_avg:units = "g m-3" ; h2o_lic_avg:long_name = "Water vapor density (LI-7500, 30-min avg. from 10Hz data)" ; h2o_lic_avg:Category = "Chemistry" ; float stdev_h2o_lic(Time) ; stdev_h2o_lic:units = "g m-3" ; stdev_h2o_lic:long_name = "Standard deviation of water vapour density (LI-7500, 30-min avg. from 10Hz data)" ; stdev_h2o_lic:Category = "Chemistry" ; float cov_h2o_Ux(Time) ; cov_h2o_Ux:units = "g m-2 s-1" ; cov_h2o_Ux:long_name = "Covariance of horizontal wind (x-axis) and water vapor density (CSAT3/LI-7500, 30-min avg. from 10Hz data)" ; cov_h2o_Ux:Category = "Chemistry" ; float cov_h2o_Uy(Time) ; cov_h2o_Uy:units = "g m-2 s-1" ; cov_h2o_Uy:long_name = "Covariance of horizontal wind (y-axis) and water vapor density (CSAT3/LI-7500, 30-min avg. from 10Hz data)" ; cov_h2o_Uy:Category = "Chemistry" ; float cov_h2o_Uz(Time) ; cov_h2o_Uz:units = "g m-2 s-1" ; cov_h2o_Uz:long_name = "Covariance of vertical wind (z-axis) and water vapor density (CSAT3/LI-7500, 30-min avg. from 10Hz data)" ; cov_h2o_Uz:Category = "Chemistry" ; float Ts_avg(Time) ; Ts_avg:units = "deg_C" ; Ts_avg:long_name = "Sonic temperature (CSAT3, 30-min avg. from 10Hz data)" ; Ts_avg:Category = "Thermodynamic" ; float stdev_Ts(Time) ; stdev_Ts:units = "deg_C" ; stdev_Ts:long_name = "Standard deviation of sonic temperature" ; stdev_Ts:Category = "Thermodynamic" ; float cov_Ts_Ux(Time) ; cov_Ts_Ux:units = "m deg_C s-1" ; cov_Ts_Ux:long_name = "Covariance of horizontal wind (x-axis) and sonic temperature (CSAT3, 30-min avg. from 10Hz data)" ; cov_Ts_Ux:Category = "Thermodynamic" ; float cov_Ts_Uy(Time) ; cov_Ts_Uy:units = "m deg_C s-1" ; cov_Ts_Uy:long_name = "Covariance of horizontal wind (y-axis) and sonic temperature (CSAT3, 30-min avg. from 10Hz data)" ; cov_Ts_Uy:Category = "Thermodynamic" ; float cov_Ts_Uz(Time) ; cov_Ts_Uz:units = "m deg_C s-1" ; cov_Ts_Uz:long_name = "Covariance of vertical wind and sonic temperature (CSAT3, 30-min avg. from 10Hz data)" ; cov_Ts_Uz:Category = "Thermodynamic" ; float co2_avg(Time) ; co2_avg:units = "mg m-3" ; co2_avg:long_name = "Carbon dioxide density (LI-7500, 30-min avg. from 10Hz data)" ; co2_avg:Category = "Chemistry" ; float stdev_co2(Time) ; stdev_co2:units = "mg m-3" ; stdev_co2:long_name = "Standard deviation of carbon dioxide density (LI-7500, 30-min avg. from 10Hz data)" ; stdev_co2:Category = "Chemistry" ; float cov_co2_Ux(Time) ; cov_co2_Ux:units = "mg m-2 s-1" ; cov_co2_Ux:long_name = "Covariance of horizontal wind (x-axis) and carbon dioxide density (CSAT3/LI-7500, 30-min avg. from 10Hz data)" ; cov_co2_Ux:Category = "Chemistry" ; float cov_co2_Uy(Time) ; cov_co2_Uy:units = "mg m-2 s-1" ; cov_co2_Uy:long_name = "Covariance of horizontal wind (y-axis) and carbon dioxide density (CSAT3/LI-7500, 30-min avg. from 10Hz data)" ; cov_co2_Uy:Category = "Chemistry" ; float cov_co2_Uz(Time) ; cov_co2_Uz:units = "mg m-2 s-1" ; cov_co2_Uz:long_name = "Covariance of vertical wind (z-axis) and carbon dioxide density (CSAT3/LI-7500, 30-min avg. from 10Hz data)" ; cov_co2_Uz:Category = "Chemistry" ; float flux_co2_nowebb(Time) ; flux_co2_nowebb:units = "mg m-2 s-1" ; flux_co2_nowebb:long_name = "Upward carbon dioxide flux without Webb et al. term (CSAT3/LI-7500, 30-min avg. from 10Hz data)" ; flux_co2_nowebb:Category = "Fluxes" ; float flux_co2_webb(Time) ; flux_co2_webb:units = "mg m-2 s-1" ; flux_co2_webb:long_name = "Upward carbon dioxide flux with Webb et al. term (CSAT3/LI-7500, 30-min avg. from 10Hz data)" ; flux_co2_webb:Category = "Fluxes" ; float flux_co2_webb_latent(Time) ; flux_co2_webb_latent:units = "mg m-2 s-1" ; flux_co2_webb_latent:long_name = "Upward carbon dioxide flux with Webb et al. term due to latent heat flux (CSAT3/LI-7500, 30-min avg. from 10Hz data)" ; flux_co2_webb_latent:Category = "Fluxes" ; float flux_co2_webb_sensible(Time) ; flux_co2_webb_sensible:units = "mg m-2 s-1" ; flux_co2_webb_sensible:long_name = "Upward carbon dioxide flux with Webb et al. term due to sensible heat flux (CSAT3/LI-7500, 30-min avg. from 10Hz data)" ; flux_co2_webb_sensible:Category = "Fluxes" ; float flux_latent_nowebb(Time) ; flux_latent_nowebb:units = "mg m-2 s-1" ; flux_latent_nowebb:long_name = "Upward latent heat flux without Webb et al. term (CSAT3/LI-7500, 30-min avg. from 10Hz data)" ; flux_latent_nowebb:Category = "Fluxes" ; flux_latent_nowebb:standard_name = "surface_upward_latent_heat_flux" ; float flux_latent_webb(Time) ; flux_latent_webb:units = "mg m-2 s-1" ; flux_latent_webb:long_name = "Upward latent heat flux with Webb et al. term (CSAT3/LI-7500, 30-min avg. from 10Hz data)" ; flux_latent_webb:Category = "Fluxes" ; flux_latent_webb:standard_name = "surface_upward_latent_heat_flux" ; float flux_latent_webb_latent(Time) ; flux_latent_webb_latent:units = "mg m-2 s-1" ; flux_latent_webb_latent:long_name = "Upward latent heat flux with Webb et al. term due to latent heat flux (CSAT3/LI-7500, 30-min avg. from 10Hz data)" ; flux_latent_webb_latent:Category = "Fluxes" ; flux_latent_webb_latent:standard_name = "surface_upward_latent_heat_flux" ; float flux_latent_webb_sensible(Time) ; flux_latent_webb_sensible:units = "mg m-2 s-1" ; flux_latent_webb_sensible:long_name = "Upward latent heat flux with Webb et al. term due to sensible heat flux (CSAT3/LI-7500, 30-min avg. from 10Hz data)" ; flux_latent_webb_sensible:Category = "Fluxes" ; flux_latent_webb_sensible:standard_name = "surface_upward_latent_heat_flux" ; float flux_sensible_sonic(Time) ; flux_sensible_sonic:units = "W m-2" ; flux_sensible_sonic:long_name = "Sensible heat flux using sonic temperature (CSAT3, 30-min avg. from 10Hz data)" ; flux_sensible_sonic:Category = "Fluxes" ; flux_sensible_sonic:standard_name = "surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux" ; float flux_sensible_comp(Time) ; flux_sensible_comp:units = "W m-2" ; flux_sensible_comp:long_name = "Sensible heat flux computed from flux_sensible_comp and flux_latent_webb (CSAT3/LI-7500, 30-min avg. from 10Hz data)" ; flux_sensible_comp:Category = "Fluxes" ; flux_sensible_comp:standard_name = "surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux" ; float flux_momentum(Time) ; flux_momentum:units = "kg m-1 s-2" ; flux_momentum:long_name = "Upward momentum flux (CSAT3, 30-min avg. from 10Hz data)" ; flux_momentum:Category = "Fluxes" ; float u_star(Time) ; u_star:units = "m s-1" ; u_star:long_name = "Friction velocity" ; u_star:Category = "Wind" ; // global attributes: :Source = "data: IMK-IFU/FZK; netCDF: IGFUW (" ; :Conventions = "NCAR-RAF/nimbus CF-1.3" ; :DateProcessed = "2008-07-28 14:34:07 +0200" ; :Version = "0.3" ; :ProjectName = "SEASALT" ; :coordinates = "LAT_DEC LON_DEC ALT Time" ; :Categories = "Position,Thermodynamic,Atmos. State,Chemistry,Wind,Fluxes" ; data: Time = 1203964200, 1203966000, 1203967800, 1203969600, 1203971400, 1203973200, 1203975000, 1203976800, 1203978600, 1203980400, 1203982200, 1203984000, 1203985800, 1203987600, 1203989400, 1203991200, 1203993000, 1203994800, 1203996600, 1203998400, 1204000200, 1204002000, 1204003800, 1204005600, 1204007400, 1204009200, 1204011000, 1204012800, 1204014600, 1204016400, 1204018200, 1204020000, 1204021800, 1204023600, 1204025400, 1204027200, 1204029000, 1204030800, 1204032600, 1204034400, 1204036200, 1204038000, 1204039800, 1204041600, 1204043400, 1204045200, 1204047000, 1204048800, 1204050600, 1204052400, 1204054200, 1204056000, 1204057800, 1204059600, 1204061400, 1204063200, 1204065000, 1204066800, 1204068600, 1204070400, 1204072200, 1204074000, 1204075800, 1204077600, 1204079400, 1204081200, 1204083000, 1204084800, 1204086600, 1204088400, 1204090200, 1204092000, 1204093800, 1204095600, 1204097400, 1204099200, 1204101000, 1204102800, 1204104600, 1204106400, 1204108200, 1204110000, 1204111800, 1204113600, 1204115400, 1204117200, 1204119000, 1204120800, 1204122600, 1204124400, 1204126200, 1204128000, 1204129800, 1204131600, 1204133400, 1204135200, 1204137000, 1204138800, 1204140600, 1204142400, 1204144200, 1204146000, 1204147800, 1204149600, 1204151400, 1204153200, 1204155000, 1204156800, 1204158600, 1204160400, 1204162200, 1204164000, 1204165800, 1204167600, 1204169400, 1204171200, 1204173000, 1204174800, 1204176600, 1204178400, 1204180200, 1204182000, 1204183800, 1204185600, 1204187400, 1204189200, 1204191000, 1204192800, 1204194600, 1204196400, 1204198200, 1204200000, 1204201800, 1204203600, 1204205400, 1204207200, 1204209000, 1204210800, 1204212600, 1204214400, 1204216200, 1204218000, 1204219800, 1204221600, 1204223400, 1204225200, 1204227000, 1204228800, 1204230600, 1204232400, 1204234200, 1204236000, 1204237800, 1204239600, 1204241400, 1204243200, 1204245000, 1204246800, 1204248600, 1204250400, 1204252200, 1204254000, 1204255800, 1204257600, 1204259400, 1204261200, 1204263000, 1204264800, 1204266600, 1204268400, 1204270200, 1204272000, 1204273800, 1204275600, 1204277400, 1204279200, 1204281000, 1204282800, 1204284600, 1204286400, 1204288200, 1204290000, 1204291800, 1204293600, 1204295400, 1204297200, 1204299000, 1204300800, 1204302600, 1204304400, 1204306200, 1204308000, 1204309800, 1204311600, 1204313400, 1204315200, 1204317000, 1204318800, 1204320600, 1204322400, 1204324200, 1204326000, 1204327800, 1204329600, 1204331400, 1204333200, 1204335000, 1204336800, 1204338600, 1204340400, 1204342200, 1204344000, 1204345800, 1204347600, 1204349400, 1204351200, 1204353000, 1204354800, 1204356600, 1204358400, 1204360200, 1204362000, 1204363800, 1204365600, 1204367400, 1204369200, 1204371000, 1204372800, 1204374600, 1204376400, 1204378200, 1204380000, 1204381800, 1204383600, 1204385400, 1204387200, 1204389000, 1204390800, 1204392600, 1204394400, 1204396200, 1204398000, 1204399800, 1204401600, 1204403400, 1204405200, 1204407000, 1204408800, 1204410600, 1204412400, 1204414200, 1204416000, 1204417800, 1204419600, 1204421400, 1204423200, 1204425000, 1204426800, 1204428600, 1204430400, 1204432200, 1204434000, 1204435800, 1204437600, 1204439400, 1204441200, 1204443000, 1204444800, 1204446600, 1204448400, 1204450200, 1204452000, 1204453800, 1204455600, 1204457400, 1204459200, 1204461000, 1204462800, 1204464600, 1204466400, 1204468200, 1204470000, 1204471800, 1204473600, 1204475400, 1204477200, 1204479000, 1204480800, 1204482600, 1204484400, 1204486200, 1204488000, 1204489800, 1204491600, 1204493400, 1204495200, 1204497000, 1204498800, 1204500600, 1204502400, 1204504200, 1204506000, 1204507800, 1204509600, 1204511400, 1204513200, 1204515000, 1204516800, 1204518600, 1204520400, 1204522200, 1204524000, 1204525800, 1204527600, 1204529400, 1204531200, 1204533000, 1204534800, 1204536600, 1204538400, 1204540200, 1204542000, 1204543800, 1204545600, 1204547400, 1204549200, 1204551000, 1204552800, 1204554600, 1204556400, 1204558200, 1204560000, 1204561800, 1204563600, 1204565400, 1204567200, 1204569000, 1204570800, 1204572600, 1204574400, 1204576200, 1204578000, 1204579800, 1204581600, 1204583400, 1204585200, 1204587000, 1204588800, 1204590600, 1204592400, 1204594200, 1204596000, 1204597800, 1204599600, 1204601400, 1204603200, 1204605000, 1204606800, 1204608600, 1204610400, 1204612200, 1204614000, 1204615800, 1204617600, 1204619400, 1204621200, 1204623000, 1204624800, 1204626600, 1204628400, 1204630200, 1204632000, 1204633800, 1204635600, 1204637400, 1204639200, 1204641000, 1204642800, 1204644600, 1204646400, 1204648200, 1204650000, 1204651800, 1204653600, 1204655400, 1204657200, 1204659000, 1204660800, 1204662600, 1204664400, 1204666200, 1204668000, 1204669800, 1204671600, 1204673400, 1204675200, 1204677000, 1204678800, 1204680600, 1204682400, 1204684200, 1204686000, 1204687800, 1204689600, 1204691400, 1204693200, 1204695000, 1204696800, 1204698600, 1204700400, 1204702200, 1204704000, 1204705800, 1204707600, 1204709400, 1204711200, 1204713000, 1204714800, 1204716600, 1204718400, 1204720200, 1204722000, 1204723800, 1204725600, 1204727400, 1204729200, 1204731000, 1204732800, 1204734600, 1204736400, 1204738200, 1204740000, 1204741800, 1204743600, 1204745400, 1204747200, 1204749000, 1204750800, 1204752600, 1204754400, 1204756200, 1204758000, 1204759800, 1204761600, 1204763400, 1204765200, 1204767000, 1204768800, 1204770600, 1204772400, 1204774200, 1204776000, 1204777800, 1204779600, 1204781400, 1204783200, 1204785000, 1204786800, 1204788600, 1204790400, 1204792200, 1204794000, 1204795800, 1204797600, 1204799400, 1204801200, 1204803000, 1204804800, 1204806600, 1204808400, 1204810200, 1204812000, 1204813800, 1204815600, 1204817400, 1204819200, 1204821000, 1204822800, 1204824600, 1204826400, 1204828200, 1204830000, 1204831800, 1204833600, 1204835400, 1204837200, 1204839000, 1204840800, 1204842600, 1204844400, 1204846200, 1204848000, 1204849800, 1204851600, 1204853400, 1204855200, 1204857000, 1204858800, 1204860600, 1204862400, 1204864200, 1204866000, 1204867800, 1204869600, 1204871400, 1204873200, 1204875000, 1204876800, 1204878600, 1204880400, 1204882200, 1204884000 ; }